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PRAYER CLOTH RETURNS SICKNESS TO SATAN! Dear Brothers in Christ, Greetings in the Mighty and Matchless Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I praise the Mighty God for directing me to your site because I have been blessed with your prayers. Though I cannot afford to come to America to pray with you, or for you to pray for my family, because we are very far away from you in Africa. I have no money to take me there but God directed me to you for help in my time of need and you responded positively. I praise and glorify God for that and May God shower you all with His blessings and anointing power. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement, prayers, and the prayer cloth which you sent to me. I stand before Almighty God a happy person, and I thankfully report to God that my husband and family are healed with his creative healing power. I got the prayer cloth and trusted God and did what you told me to do. My husband obliged and did everything you instructed us to do. We pray together regularly and am happy to report to you that my husband is now feeling better and looking healthy and happy. He declares himself that he returned the sickness to satan. Halleluyah! I know it’s difficult for you to imagine but he was so sick and emaciated. It was a worrying and hopeless situation. Indeed God is Great and powerful. The cloth acted as a contact point that transfered faith to us. Please continue praying for us, and may the Almighty God bless you abundantly. Once again thank you for the prayer cloth and your prayers. Please continue praying for my family and let’s prove to satan that he is a liar and failure. May God be with you always. Your Sister in Christ, Mary Phombeya
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